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Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oils Offers a Wealth of Possibilities

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Blends of Pure Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oils  (Non Blended Oils are Listed Below)

Abundance was created to enhance the frequency of the harmonic magnetic energy field that surrounds us.  This higher frequency creates what is called "the law of attraction," which refers to the things we attract to ourselves.  Abundance opens us to a wealth of possibilities.* orange, clove, cinnamon bark, frankincense, ginger, spruce, patchouli, and myrrh.

Acceptance stimulates the mind with oils specially blended to promote feelings of accepting ourselves and others, regardless of perceived barriers.*

Aroma Life uses marjoram and ylang ylang pure essential oils to energize your life force and promote heart vitality.*

Aroma Siez combines lavender and peppermint pure essential oils to relax tight muscles and ligaments.*

Australian Blue will uplift the spirit and purify the body.  This exotic pure essential oil blend has sweet, earthy undertones responsible for its calming and stabilizing effects. *

Awaken is the first step toward making positive life changes. This blend may help you progress toward your highest potential.*

Believe helps you overcome feelings of despair and move to a higher level of awareness, releasing your unlimited potential.*

Brain Power helps to give your mind a boost, clarity to thought, and develop greater focus.*

Chivalry formulated to promote bravery, valor, daring, confidence, and feelings of well-being.*

Christmas Spirit allows you to experience the positive energy and emotions of the holidays all year.

Citrus Fresh designed to stimulate mental activity, boost creativity, and increase clarity of thought.*

Clarity to promote a clear mind and restore mental alertness, especially when feeling fatigued or drowsy.*

Di-Gize promote healthy digestion and soothe stomach discomforts.*

Dragon Time contains natural phytoestrogens to balance women's emotions, especially during their monthly cycle.

Dream Catcher is designed to harness the power of positive dreams and guard against clouded vision, helping you realize your desires and stay on the path to fulfillment.*

Egyptian Gold contains biblical oils that enhance moments of devotion and reverence.*

EndoFlex support the endocrine system and help maintain overall vitality.*

En-R-Gee uplifts and energizes mind and body.*

Envision stimulates creativity and resourcefulness, encouraging renewed faith in the future and the emotional strength necessary to achieve your dreams.*

Evergreen Essence refreshes your senses.

Exodus II energizes while it complements Young Living's Inner Defense nutritional supplement.*

Forgiveness enhances the ability to forgive yourself and others while letting go of negative emotions.*

Gathering emotional and spiritual forces

Gentle Baby helps calm emotions for mothers, children, and babies.*

Gratitude supports emotional and spiritual progress.*

Grounding used for clarity, balance, or to enhance spirituality.*

Harmony promotes physical and emotional well-being by bringing harmonic balance to the energy centers of the body.*

Highest Potential  Enhance your self-confidence and achieve greater unity and purpose in life.*

Hope  restore your faith by reconnecting with feelings of strength and stability.*

Humility is helpful for obtaining forgiveness and a deeper spiritual awareness.*

ImmuPower formulated to support the body's natural defenses when applied to Vita Flex points on the hands and feet.*

Inner Child opens the pathway to connecting with the inner self that may have been damaged through childhood misuse or abuse.*

Inspiration enhancing spirituality, prayer, meditation, and inner awareness.*

Into The Future encourages you to leave the past behind and move forward with confidence.*

Joy exudes an alluring and irresistible fragrance that inspires romance and togetherness.*

JuvaCleanse supports healthy liver function.*

JuvaFlex formulated to provide support for the liver and digestive system.*

Lady Sclareol especially for women to balance emotions, promote mental stability, and provide endocrine support while menstruating.*

Legacy blend of over 81 essential and other oils that has a unique, rich aroma.

Live With Passion fosters an optimistic attitude and revives enthusiasm for life.*

Longevity contains powerful antioxidants that neutralize free radicals in the body and lessen oxidative damage.*

Magnify Your Purpose stimulates creativity, desire, focus, and motivation, encouraging you to seize initiative.*

Melrose combats minor skin irritations with its powerful cleansing properties.*

Mister helps balance emotions and promotes mental stability during stressful times.*

Motivation enables you to overcome procrastination while promoting feelings of action and accomplishment.*

M-Grain soothes head and muscle tension.*

PanAway aids the body's natural response to injury, minimizes bruising, and relieves muscle and ligament tension.*

Peace & Calming encourages deep relaxation and can assist with meditation to promote a peaceful night's sleep.*

Present Time helps you focus on the present time so you can get beyond the past and move forward.*

Purification can be used directly on the skin to cleanse and soothe insect bites, cuts, and scrapes and instantly deodorizes and neutralizes the air.*

Raven provides comfort when applied topically to the chest and throat or diffused.*

R.C. invigorating when applied, especially to the chest and throat area.*

Release stimulates a sense of peace and emotional well-being, which in turn facilitate the ability to release anger and frustration.*

Relieve It feels soothing and comforting to muscles and joints following exercise.*

RutaVaLa is a calming blend of pure essential oils that relieves stress, soothes tension, and promotes relaxation for the body and mind, offering a good nights sleep.*

Sacred Mountain promotes feelings of strength, empowerment, grounding, and protection that are a result of being close to nature.*

SARA may help individuals release and begin recovery from the traumatic memory of sexual or ritual torment and other forms of physical or emotional abuse.*

SclarEssence supports normal glandular functions.*

Sensation formulated to enhance the enjoyment of special moments.*

Surrender blend of pure essential oils that helps cast off inhibitions that may be controlling your life or limiting your potential.*

Thieves kills dangerous airborne bacteria, or apply on the bottom of feet for internal boost.*

3 Wise Men designed to open up the subconscious and promote feelings of reverence and spiritual awareness.*

Transformation empowers you to replace negative beliefs with uplifting thoughts, changing your overall attitude, emotions, and behavior.*

Trauma Life designed to release emotional trauma that may be buried or forgotten.*

Valor enhances an individual's internal resources. It has also been found to help energy alignment in the body.*

White Angelica promotes feelings of protection and security, and can be used to guard against negative energy.*

Singles of Pure Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oils

Balsam Fir (Idaho)  Used in massage, it has a soothing effect on muscle and body discomfort associated with exercise.*

Basil can relax tired, aching muscles.*

Bergamot is good for building confidence and enhancing your mood.*

Black Pepper is supportive of the digestive system and is useful topically for soothing muscle discomfort following exercise.*

Cedarwood promotes relaxation, balance, and increased mental focus.*

Cinnamon Bark is believed to have antiseptic properties and is supportive of the body's natural defenses.*

Cistus is believed to be the biblical rose of Sharon, and its honey like fragrance calms nerves and elevates emotions.*

Clary Sage is uplifting and relaxing, making it a perfect choice for supporting a normal, healthy attitude during PMS. It is also supportive for menopausal women.*

Clove is an important ingredient in Young Living's Thieves blend due to its immune-enhancing properties, its principal constituent is eugenol.

Copaiba has traditionally been used to aid digestion and support the body's natural response to injury or irritation.* Copaiba contains the highest amounts of beta caryophyllene (55 percent) of any known essential oil.

Coriander supports healthy digestive and circulatory system functions and has been studied for its support of the pancreas.*

Cypress is especially comforting during the winter season. Cypress is also beneficial for oily or troubled skin.*

Dill oil has a spicy, fresh scent that is stimulating, revitalizing, and balancing. Use dill essential oil for cooking or preparing food to enhance flavor.

Douglas Fir has a crisp, invigorating pine aroma that is spiritually realigning. Used in massage, it helps to soothe muscles after exercise.*

Elemi same botanical family as frankincense and myrrh, it has been used traditionally in Europe for the skin. Elemi is highly regarded for reducing the look of fine lines and wrinkles, skin support, and for soothing muscles after exercise.*

Eucalyptus Blue invigorating aroma that supports normal breathing and soothes tense muscles.* This essential oil contains high levels of the powerful constituents eucalyptol and alpha-pinene.

Eucalyptus (dives)  species is high in phellandrene and low in eucalyptol. It is excellent for use in topical application, as it may be less irritating to the skin than other eucalyptus varieties.

Eucalyptus (globulus)  contains a high percentage of the constituent eucalyptol, a key ingredient in many mouth rinses. Applied topically, it is often used to support the respiratory system* and to soothe muscles after exercise.

Eucalyptus (polybractea) is one of the strongest eucalyptus oils. This variety is high in eucalyptol (up to 95 percent ) and is well suited for topical application or diffusing.

Eucalyptus (radiata) variety is one of the most versatile of the eucalyptus oils and is suitable for topical use, diffusing, and even direct inhalation. Applied topically, it is often used to support the respiratory system.*

Fennel is stimulating to the circulatory, glandular, respiratory, and digestive systems.* It also may support feelings of well-being during the menstrual cycle.*

Frankincense is stimulating and elevating to the mind. Useful for visualizing and improving one's spiritual connection.  It has comforting properties that help focus the mind and overcome stress and despair. *

Galbanum supports the immune, digestive, respiratory, circulatory, and other body systems.* It is also useful as an aid for troubled or mature skin.

Geranium is excellent for the skin, and its aromatic influence helps release negative memories. Used traditionally to support the circulatory and nervous systems.**  A great deal of its strength lies in its ability to revitalize body tissues.*

Ginger is supportive of the digestive system, ginger is commonly used to soothe, comfort, and balance digestive discomfort.* It may also be used to enhance the flavor of foods.

Goldenrod supports the circulatory system, urinary tract, and liver function.* It has relaxing and calming effects.

Grapefruit is rich in the powerful antioxidant d-limonene, it is nourishing to the skin. It is a popular oil to use in conjunction with weight management programs.

Helichrysum is known for its restorative properties and provides excellent support to the skin, liver, and nervous system.*  Helichrysum also provides a defense against harmful free radicals.*


Idaho Balsam Fir

Idaho Tansy



Laurus nobilis






Melaleuca (alternifolia)

Melaleuca (ericifolia)


Mountain Savory

Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha)- legends say that myrrh possesses the frequency of wealth. In was used in the royal palaces in Biblical times and was a trade commodity.



Orange (Citrus sinesis) - In ancient days, orange essential oil was believed to bring joy, peace and happiness to those who possessed it.


Palo Santo

Patchouli (Pogostemon cablin) – Legends indicate that patchouli represented money. Those who possessed it were considered to be wealthy.

Pepper, Black





Roman Chamomile





Sandalwood (Santalum album) – is high in sesquiterpenes, which have been researched for the ability to stimulate the pineal gland and the limbic region of the brain, the center of our emotions. The pineal gland is responsible for releasing melatonin, a hormone that enhances deep sleep. Sandalwood has been used traditionally for meditation and yoga.










Western Red Cedar

White Fir


Ylang Ylang

Young Living Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils (YLTG)   **Modern scientific research has not yet validated these historical claims.

Essential oils are aromatic volatile liquids distilled from bushes, flowers, roots, seeds, shrubs and trees. Unlike synthetic chemicals, essential oils are diverse in their effects, no two oils are alike. One of the factors that determine the purity of an essential oil is its chemical constituents. Essential oils are highly concentrated and far more potent than dried herbs.

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Bob and Peggy Martin, Independent Distributor 23048, for Young Living Essential Oils since 1996.